List of publications


  • Disentangled Representations for Causal Cognition, Torresan, F. & Baltieri, M., (2024).   [pdf]
  • Kalman filters as the steady-state solution of gradient descent on variational free energy, Baltieri, M., & Isomura, T., arXiv pre-print arXiv:2111.10530 (2021).   [preprint]
  • On Kalman-Bucy filters, linear quadratic control and active inference, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., arXiv pre-print arXiv:2005.06269 (2020).   [preprint]
  • A minimal active inference agent, McGregor, S., Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., arXiv pre-print arXiv:1503.04187 (2015).   [preprint]

Journal publications

  • Hybrid Life: Integrating Biological, Artificial, and Cognitive Systems. Baltieri, M., Iizuka, H., Witkowski, O., Sinapayen, L., & Suzuki, K., WIREs Cognitive Science (2023).   [link][pdf][preprint]
  • The Emperor is Naked: Replies to the commentaries on the target article., Bruineberg, J., Dolega, K., Dewhurst, J., & Baltieri, M., Behavioral and Brain Science (2022).   [link][pdf]
  • The Emperor’s New Markov Blankets, Bruineberg, J., Dolega, K., Dewhurst, J., & Baltieri, M., Behavioral and Brain Science (2021).   [link][pdf][preprint - 2020]
  • Active inference through whiskers, Mannella, F., Maggiore, F., Baltieri, M., & Pezzulo, G. Neural Networks (2021).   [link][preprint]
  • Embodied Skillful Performance: Where the Action Is, Hipolito, I., Baltieri, M., Friston, K. J., & Ramstead, M. J., Synthese (2021).   [link][preprint]
  • PID control as a process of active inference with linear generative models, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., Entropy 21 (3), 257 (2019).   [link]

Conference proceedings

  • Predictions in the eye of the beholder: an active inference implementation of the Watt governor, Baltieri, M., Buckley, C. L., & Bruineberg, J., Artificial Life Conference, 2020.   [link][preprint]
  • A Bayesian perspective on classical control, Baltieri, M., 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2020.   [link][preprint]
  • Scaling active inference, Tschantz, A., Baltieri, M., Seth, A. K. & Buckley, C. L., 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2020.   [link][preprint]
  • Active Inference: Computational Models of Motor Control without Efference Copy, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference, 2019.   [link]
  • The dark room problem in predictive processing and active inference, a legacy of cognitivism?, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., Artificial Life Conference, 2019.   [link][preprint]
  • Nonmodular architectures of cognitive systems based on active inference, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2019).   [link][preprint]
  • A probabilistic interpretation of PID control, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., Simulation of Adaptive Behavior Conference, 2018.   [link][preprint]
  • The modularity of action and perception revisited using control theory and active inference, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., Artificial Life Conference, 2018.   [link][preprint]
  • An active inference implementation of phototaxis, Baltieri, M., & Buckley, C. L., European Conference on Artificial Life, 2017.   [link][preprint]


Other publications

  • Thinking about robots, Baltieri, M., A contributed chapter to Robot 100 (2021) [Robot 100]

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